Your reading assignment for tonight….
….if you’ve been wondering what the “gluten free” fuss is all about, this may be the best treatment of the subject.
Technically, only a few percentage points of the total population are said to be gluten-sensitive but I doubt that. From personal experience, all the aches associated with being 78 years old disappeared from the time we did two things here at Thistle Hill: went to all grass fed meat and eliminated grains from our diet.
Frankly, I wouldn’t bother with all the expensive testing. Just try it for a couple of weeks. (Warning: you’ll even lose weight!)
Sylvie in Rappahannock
so.. at Thistle Hill, both catlle and humans are grain free? grain-free is a lot more extensive tham gluten-free though. That means in addition to no wheat, spelt & farro, no corn, no rice, no oats, no barley, no millet, no rye… quite a feat! How about the pseudo grains (quinoa, amaranth buckwheat). Do you also eschew that?
We are human and forgive us, we sin. Mostly, though, just when eating out. A piece of bread…a bite of potato…or perhaps a little pasta. Again, just a bite and probably not more than once or twice a month.
That’s at a restaurant. If anyone is nice enough to invite us to their home, we eat what they are serving, truly enjoy it and we give no lectures. And if we have guests, we also relax and serve potatoes, pasta and rice. Ice cream, too.
In fact, we try not to be bores on the subject at any time.
Our cows are pure. Our pigs are not. We do use grain to fatten the pigs but recently we’ve gone to organic, non-gmo feed for them.
Finally, anyone should be so lucky as to have a meal cooked by Sylvie!
sylvie in raapahannock
well… pigs, beaas and humans are ownivores! Chickens not far either if they can have it… Grain or no-grain, I can assure you, it’s no sin in my book. I just know “no grain” is very hard to do. You sound most reasonable aboutthe whole thing — and most fgraceful about it too!