The fox guarding the hen house….
….that would be the USDA, of course. The Department of Agriculture has been untiring (despite the image of bureaucrats) in pushing genetically-modified food onto an unsuspecting public.
Wordlwide, we’re in the forefront in the production of GM food-stuffs, largely because the rest of the world has reservations about its safety. But in the US, the government using selected experts and cooked research studies, has conspired with Big Ag to flood our fields and supermarkets with what may be a ticking time-bomb.
The organic people, and food safety experts, have tried to push back, but it’s a feeble effort.
The rationale, of course, is lower cost-greater production-higher profits. And until recently that has kept food prices down. Until recently.
Meanwhile, farmers are finding it impossible to keep their fields from becoming contaminated with GM seed from adjoining fields, conventional cattlemen and pork and chicken producers are forced to use GM feed, and all of it thoroughly soaked in ever-more powerful herbicides and pesticides.
Something to think about as you sit down for your Thanksgiving meal.