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Open for business….

….once again.  We had to drag one of those big utility company trucks through two pastures (making a mess of several years of holistic work) but we finally have power.  The crew from southern Kentucky made a truly heroic effort and we appreciate their work.  They thought the whole thing was kind of fun….and all were taking pictures of their adventure.  Unfortunately I left my camera at home.

20130308_7The cows took the foot of snow in stride.  The yearling heifers, pictured here, did graze through the white stuff but the grass really wasn’t long enough and they were glad to see a bale of hay show up.

The temperatures during the storm never dipped too far below freezing, well within the comfort zone for a Devon.  But because some of the snow was mixed with rain, and winds were blowing as high as 45 miles an hour, we did decide one day to feed the young heifers a mix of beet pulp and soy hulls.

The older cows did manage without hay until the very last day when my partner—“The Softie”—insisted she could see the pleading in their eyes.

We were able to monitor our emails on our iPhone and some interesting things have come up that we’ll get to very shortly.  Meanwhile, it’s good to be back!

One Comment

  • Regina Tesnow, Tomina Farm

    Good to habve you back, I’ve missed you. I’m with “The Softie” can’t say no to those Devons:)

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