“I’m cutting back on meat”….
….I don’t know how often I hear that. Just the other day, a woman was raving about the taste of Thistle Hill meat but added, just a bit apologetically, that sadly she was “cutting back” for “health reasons”.
Of course, I answered that it might well be that, in fact, she might better improve her health by increasing the amount of grass fed beef she eats. A significant percentage of our customers do indeed buy our meat precisely because they have decided it’s good “for what ails them”.
The biggest source of propaganda against eating red meat, of course, is our very own government. The bureaucrats are still tied to their food pyramids, grain-based, so-called “balanced” approach which just happens to touch all the special interests of Big Ag and, not incidentally, government subsidized crops.
The big sin of grass fed beef, of course, is that it doesn’t eat grain…bad for growers, bad for feedlots, and bad for grain subsidies.
Regular readers of this blog are probably “well fed” with our point of view, but if you need more convincing…particularly if your friends or even your doctor have recommended cutting back on red meat, we urge you to take some time with this link: