• It’s all right here….

    ….your assigned reading for tonight is the following article by Dr. Joseph Mercola.  He reports on the finding that Americans have the poorest health of any of the other industrialized nations.  Now, of course, our government finds that that is good reason to have more government.  But Dr. Mercola thinks otherwise….he says that basically, the problem is the government. I urge you to read this: http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2013/01/23/united-states-health-ranking.aspx

  • Trying not to be boring….

    ….and what’s a bigger turn-off that people talking about their diets?  So I’ve been trying to be quiet about my current campaign to lose about 40 pounds (3/4s of the way there). But I did want to note this column by Peter Ballerstedt in Kit Pharo’s weekly newsletter.  Ballerstedt makes the point that, even if you don’t lose weight, a low carb, high fat diet is good for you.  For the science, be sure to click on his link. Do you (or someone you love) have three of following conditions?  Abdominal obesity: a waist circumference over 40 inches in men and over 35 inches in women. Serum triglycerides 150 mg/dl…

  • What’s in a name – 3

    ….our friend Jim Yancey of Cooney Creek Farm chimes in with some related information about misleading labels.  These things apparently have been around for awhile but I have never focused on them. We “googled” and can vouch for the authenticity of at least these items, starting with the  Jolly Green Giant….I mean, what could be more American than the Jolly Green Giant? “Green  Giant frozen vegetables are from China. Never buy the grocery store garlic  unless it is clearly marked from USA or Canada; the other  stuff is grown in people poop (even worse than chicken  poop). China is the largest producer of garlic in the  world.  Buy only local honey, most  honey is shipped in…

  • What’s in a name – 2

    …continuing our rant about labeling (See What’s in a Name below)… Our daughter, Carolyn, is a cancer surgeon in Texas though her career has moved more and more to nutrition and integrative medicine.  She is now the director of the Baylor Medical Center integrative medicine department and it was in that role she was interviewed on a Dallas radio program the other day. Naturally, she was singing the benefits of grass fed beef and was surprised when one of the callers to the program said he was a grass fed beef farmer and at that very moment was delivering meat to one of his customers.  Almost seemed like a plant,…

  • What’s in a name….

    ….as consumers have become more health-conscious, the nation’s food producers have responded.  But not the way you may think. Instead of making their products better, they’ve changed their labeling to make it seem better.  And the USDA, FDA and the rest of the government from the White House down have been their willing accomplices.  What we used to call “the natural food” sector, until Big Ag co-opted that term, too, is only an infinitesimal part of the total picture.  But it’s existence at any level is apparently considered a threat that the Big Guys and the Government (including our Virginia state government, by the way) are determined to stamp out.…

  • Sometimes I wonder….

    ….if it’s worth the fight.  The government, which of course is vitally concerned about the food you eat, (sarcasm intended) has come up with still more regulations.  What they say, of course, is they’re only thinking of you.  But what they’re doing of course, is trying another end run that will favor Big Ag and penalize those small farmers who actually care about the quality of the food we eat. What Uncle Sam plans to do is “inspect” producers and processors in high risk areas.  And the cost of us high risk farmers will be $13,000 a year.  Big Ag, which makes billions and is the cause of all the…

  • The secret ingredient….

    ….in Thistle Hill cows and beef. But it’s no secret, we’ve been saying for some time we think (next to Wooz’ care, of course) it’s our mineral program.  Visitors invariably remark that they have never seen a group of healthier, more vital animals than those at Thistle Hill. We do a lot of experimenting, try various grazing plans, top-seed clover, spray with different natural fertilizer combinations.  But the one thing we’ve held constant is our mineral program. It’s a cafeteria-style approach, where the cows don’t have a mixture of all the essential minerals as designed by “experts” but select from trays of the individual minerals.  They do actually self-diagnose.  Soils vary…

  • A Monsanto take down….

    ….it’s been awhile, but we haven’t forgotten Monsanto.  Still riding high and still wreaking havoc on the earth and its creatures.  Here’s a rundown on the latest from health blogger Dr. Joseph Mercola: http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2013/01/12/ge-crops-affect-soil-fertility.aspx?e_cid=20130112_DNL_art_1

  • Suspicions Confirmed Department

    Actually, we’re not big fans of these kinds of studies….seems the results too often reflect the prejudice of the researcher.  But since this time it’s my prejudice, why not?  Eating junk food makes you dumber. http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-505145_162-57558579/need-your-brain-this-food-can-make-you-dumber/

  • Better than nothing….

    ….at least that was my reaction to a report Fox News carried on grass fed beef.  Never mind that the report was buried on Thanksgiving day when no one is watching television except football fans.  About the only positive notes were that grass fed beef is leaner….and that consumption is growing. Not a word about the poisons that are poured into, onto and injected inside conventional cattle.  Nothing about the diseases (cancer, heart, diabetes, etc) that have been linked to the consumption of corn…in boxes and in cows.  No mention of the destruction of land and water in ordinary cattle production. Nothing about the huge consumption of energy required to…